Piotr Zientarski
Electoral District No. 39 based in Koszalin
Candidate of the Civic Platform Election Committee
Member of the 6th Term Senate |
Born on 16th April 1952 in Szczecinek to a family with patriotic traditions.
In 1975, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at "Adam Mickiewicz" University in Poznań. In 1977 completed the term of apprenticeship to become a judge at the Provincial Court in Koszalin and passed the licensing examination. In 1981 completed the term of apprenticeship to become an advocate at the District Council of Advocates and passed the licensing examination. Also passed legal adviser's licensing examination.
Since 1981, was member of the law firm Zespół Adwokacki nr 2 in Koszalin. In private legal practice since 1990. Parallel to professional activities, lectured for several years at Średnie Studium Zawodowe dla Pracujących w Koszalinie (an extramural post-secondary vocational college in Koszalin specializing in social sciences and law).
In the 1980s, defended political opposition activists and served as legal adviser and plenipotentiary of the Bishop of Koszalin-Kołobrzeg Diocese.
Involved in socio-cultural activities promoting the city of Koszalin and in charitable work on behalf of children, the handicapped and the blind.
Member of cultural societies active in Pomorze Region. In 1976, founded the Baltic Jazz Club and presided it until 2000. From 1984 to 1990 - chairman of the board of Koszalin Cultural and Educational Society. Founder and, between 1988 and 1993, deputy chairman of the board of the Baltic "Poland - United States of America" Society. Member of the board of the "Marshal Józef Piłsudski" Association and member of Koszalin Lions Club.
In the Sixth Term Senate was deputy chairman of the Rules, Ethics and Senatorial Affairs Committee, member of the Emigration Affairs and Contacts with Poles Abroad Committee.
Since 2007 - member of the National Judiciary Board.
Member of the Civic Platform Party of Poland.
Married, has three children.