Władysław Sidorowicz
Electoral District No. 3 based in Wrocław
Candidate of the Civic Platform Election Committee
Member of the 6th Term Senate |
Born on 17th September 1945 in Vilnius.
1963-1968 - studied in the Medical Faculty at Wrocław Medical University. In 1968, was jailed for participating in student strikes and was subsequently oppressed by the regime which revoked his student rights and banned him from studying for two years. In 1971, graduated from the Medical Faculty at the Medical University of Łódź. Obtained Level I specialization in psychiatry in 1975 and Level II in 1979.
In 1968-1969 worked at "Ludwik Hirszfeld" Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, and in 1970-1971 - at "Ludwik Rydygier" Hospital in Wrocław. Since 1972 worked at Wrocław Medical University and, in 1975, was dismissed from his position for political reasons. In 1976 headed the Wrocław Centre Healthcare Complex. Between 1977 and 1979 - assistant in the Specialized Psychiatric Care Complex in Wrocław.
1979-1999 - worked at the Higher Educational Institution Healthcare Complex where, until the imposition of martial law in December 1981, headed the Mental Health Clinic and Daytime Psychiatric Ward. In 1991, was the minister of health and social care in the government of Jan Krzysztof Bielecki. Between 1989 and 1992, participated in the establishment of medical chambers as member of the National Founding Committee. Subsequently chaired the Lower Silesian Chamber of Physicians and Dentists (1990-1992). 1994-2003 - municipal doctor and director of Wrocław Municipal Administration Health Department. 2003-2005 - director of Wrocław Municipal Administration Social Affairs Department.
1999-2005 - deputy to the Lower Silesian Provincial Parliament.
In 1964-1965 was member of the Polish Student Union and, between 1965 and March 1968, was member of the Rural Youth Union. Chairman of the board of RYU at the Medical Academy in Wrocław.
Belonged to the Solidarity Trade Union between 1980 and 1999. During that time, served as chairman of the Solidarity committee at his workplace (1980-1989), member of the Solidarity Regional Board (1981-1989), delegate to the 1st National Solidarity Congress, chairman of Solidarity's Regional Coordination Committee of Healthcare Personnel and deputy chairman of Solidarity's National Coordination Committee (1981-1990). Interned from the moment of the imposition of martial law until June 1982. 1983-1987 - member of the Political Council of Fighting Solidarity. As member of the team negotiating healthcare issues, participated in Round Table deliberations (1989).
In the Sixth Term Senate was chairman of the Health Committee, member of the Family and Social Policy Committee.
Member of the Civic Platform Party of Poland.
Married, has six children.
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