Stanisław Piotrowicz
Electoral District No. 21 based in Krosno
Candidate of the Law and Justice Election Committee
Member of the 6th Term Senate |
Born on 19th July 1952 in Bochnia.
In 1976, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In 1978, passed examinations to become a public prosecutor.
Began his working career in 1976 at the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Dębica. Then, in 1980, voluntarily transferred to the Provincial Prosecutor's Office in Krosno. Upon the imposition of martial law by the regime in 1981, refused to investigate political cases and was transferred to the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Krosno. In 1990, was appointed regional prosecutor in Krosno. From 1990 to 2005 - prosecutor in the Provincial Prosecutor's Office. Between 1992 and 1995, headed the Inter-Regional Investigation Department in Krosno, tasked with investigating most serious crimes committed in the province. 2005-2007 - member of the National Judiciary Board. From June to November 2007 - secretary of state in the prime minister's chancellery.
1994-2002 - member of the Disciplinary Tribunal for Prosecutors in the General Prosecutor's Office. 2001-2005 - member of the Polish group of prosecutors collaborating with prosecution bodies in European Union member states. Was particularly engaged in experience-sharing contacts with Slovak and Ukrainian prosecutors and judges.
In the late 1980s, helped to create trade unions in prosecutor's offices.
In 1992, helped to organize the Krosno chapter of Towarzystwo Pomocy im. św. Brata Alberta - a charitable organization which runs shelters and soup kitchens for the destitute. Chairman of the chapter since its creation, chairman of its Podkarpackie provincial section and, since 1998, member of its main board in Wrocław.
Co-created Krosno parish radio and Przystań monthly magazine, which he co-edits.
In the Sixth Term Senate was deputy chairman of the Legislation Committee, member of the Emigration Affairs and Contacts with Poles Abroad Committee. Was a Polish representative in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
No political party affiliation.
Married, has three children.