Born on 30th June 1953 in Katowice.
Graduated from the Polish Philology Faculty at Silesian University in 1976 and worked as journalist and then public-affairs commentator at Katowice branch of Polish Public Radio. Between 2002 and 2004 was creative director at Radio Katowice S.A. Since 2007 member of the Polish Language Council maintained by the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Language Council in the Media. Since 2006 - deputy chairman of the programming board of TVP Polonia.
For many years in her work in the media has been promoting the proper use of the Polish language and good health habits. Recipient of many media awards.
In 1987, created the largest Polish language promotion media event - the National Dictation. The event is organized regularly (so far, a dozen or so national editions and a few editions for Poles living abroad).
Animator of a gamut of media events and charitable campaigns in Silesia. For example, in 1992, organized a fundraising campaign to save the Children's Hematology Clinic in Zabrze. In 2000, led a breast-cancer prevention campaign in collaboration with all Silesian newspapers. Also, co-designed an unconventional blood donor campaign. Has organized numerous charitable auctions. In 2004 initiated a scholarship fundraising campaign for gifted Silesian students from families with limited means. Since 2004 - chairman of the board of the Silesian Scholarship Fund. Collaborated with associations and organizations that care for the sick and disabled.
In the Fifth Term Senate was a member of the Culture and Media Committee and was its chairman in the Sixth Term Senate. Initiated the Senate legislative proposal to make 2006 the Polish Language Year.
No political party affiliation.
She was married, had two children.