Born on 10th December 1960 in Kielce.
In 1998, graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Science of Kielce University of Technology.
Between 1979 and 2000, worked as electronic engineer at Fabryka Samochodów Specjalizowanych "SHL" S.A. in Kielce (special-purpose automobile production plant). Subsequently, between 2000 and 2005, held the same position at TEMA Polska Company S.A. in Kielce.
Local-government activist. During two terms, was member of Kielce City Council, first chairing its Audit Committee (1998-2002), then the Municipal Services Committee (2002-2005). In 2006 was appointed Świętokrzyskie Province Governor.
For many years was also a trade union activist. Between 1994 and 2002 was the deputy head of the National Automotive Industry Section of the "Solidarity" Trade Union and between 1994 and 2005 headed the Automotive Industry Solidarity Trade Union Local at Fabryka Samochodów Specjalizowanych "SHL" S.A. in Kielce.
Founding member of the "Hope to the Family" Association based in Kielce.
Member of the presidium of the board of Świętokrzyskie region Law and Justice party section and member of the Law and Justice political council.
Married, has three children.