In 1964, graduated in law from Warsaw University. Also completed studies in art history at the same school. After articling to become a judge and an attorney, began a law practice in 1971.
Was involved in democratic opposition. In August/September 1980, was the first legal adviser of the Inter-Plant Striking Committee based at "Katowice" Steelworks. As a representative of that committee, drew up the first application to register the Solidarity Trade Union at the Provincial Court in Warsaw.
After the imposition of martial law, defended Solidarity activists in numerous political trials. Was the defence counsel in the first political trial conducted under martial law - against employees of the Nuclear Research Institute in Żerań. In 1983, at the First National Law Bar Assembly, publicly condemned human rights violations committed by the regime during the martial law period. At the instigation of the authorities of that time, was subject to eight disciplinary proceedings for having allegedly violated freedom-of-speech regulations. As a result of an extraordinary appeal brought to the Supreme Court by the minister of justice, was deprived of the right to exercise the legal profession for one year. Was among the initiators of re-registration of local Solidarity founding committees and represented nearly 40 such committees in court.
During the June 1989 presidential election, represented Lech Wałęsa's Civic Committee in the National Election Commission. On the day of the election to Sejm and Senate, effectively opposed the attempts to rig the results of the so-called "national ballot". Since 1983, was member of the illegal record-keeping section of the Helsinki Committee and then founding member of the Helsinki Human Rights Foundation. In 1988, received the Danish Paul Lauritzen Foundation Award for his contribution to the protection of human rights.
Between 15th December 1991 and 6th September 1992, was director general and bankruptcy trustee of the State Radio and Television Organizational Unit. Drew up the law on the return of profits gained wrongfully at the expense of State Treasury and represented the Solidarity Trade Union in trials instituted under that law.
In the First Term Senate, was a member of the Human Rights and Rule of Law Committee, Local Government Committee, Motions and Legislation Committee, Emigration and Poles Abroad Committee and Special Committee on Mining. In the Second Term Senate, was deputy chairman of the Rules and Senate Affairs Committee and member of the Motions and Legislation Committee and two Special Committees - on Mining and on European Integration. In the Third Term Senate, was a founding member and participant of Solidarity Civic Constitutional Committee and centre-right political formations. Co-created the civic project of the Constitution as chairman of the Expert Team on Legal Sources, Legal Protection Institutions and Organs of the Administration of Justice. Also served as chairman of the Special Committee on the legislative initiative to amend polish citizenship regulations and deputy chairman of the Motions and Legislation Committee. In the Fourth Term Senate, was chairman of the Legislative Committee and member of the Culture and Media Committee. In the Sixth Term Senate was chairman of the Rules, Ethics and Senatorial Affairs Committee and member of the Legislative Committee.
Has never been affiliated with any political party.
Married, has four children.