Grzegorz Wojciechowski
Electoral District No. 10 based in Piotrków Trybunalski
Candidate of the Law and Justice Election Committee
Born on 25th August 1960 in Rawa Mazowiecka.
Graduated from the Agricultural Faculty of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (1986) and the Faculty of Technical Physics, Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of the Technical University in Łódź (2001).
From 1979 to 1998 - owner and operator of a general farming business in Regnów. Between 1998 and 2002 - teacher in the Secondary School Complex in Głuchów. From 2002 to 2007 branch manager of the Agriculture Restructuring and Modernization Agency in Rawa Mazowiecka. Was member of the supervisory board of Bank Spółdzielczy in Regnów and Biała Rawska.
Member of Regnów Commune Council (1998-2006) and deputy to Łódzkie Provincial Parliament (2006-2007).
Member of the Law and Justice political party.
Married, has one child.