Ewa Tomaszewska |
Electoral District No. 18 based in Warsaw |
Candidate of the Law and Justice Election Committee |
Deputy to the Third Term Sejm |
Born on 14th April 1947 in Płock.
In 1974, graduated from the Warsaw University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics with the degree of Master in Physics. In 1997, completed post-graduate studies in human resources at Bogdan Jański Academy of Management and Entrepreneurship in Warsaw.
Since 1985, works at the Warsaw University IT Support Department (on unpaid leave while serving in the Solidarity Trade Union and as a parliamentarian).
Member of the Solidarity Trade Union since 1980. In 1980-1981, acted as social consultant, mediator and advocate of Solidarity's Mazowsze Region Board. Interned in 1982. Arrested by the communist regime in 1983, released in 1984. Since 1986, worked in Solidarity's Intervention and the Rule of Law Commission. 1988 - member of the Solidarity founding committee at Warsaw University. Continues to be a member of the Solidarity board at Warsaw University. 1989-1990 - member of the Solidarity Social Reconciliatory Committee, which helped people who had been fired from their jobs as a result of political repressions to get them back. From 1989 to 1997 - member of Solidarity's Mazowsze Region Board. 1990-1993 - juror in a criminal court. Also 1990-1993 - member of the Warsaw University Senate. Since 1992 - member of Solidarity's National Board. Was member of President Lech Wałęsa's Social Policy Council. 1995-1999 - member of the Social Assistance Council. 1998-2002 - chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Retirement Fund Supervision Office. Since 2002 - member of the Insurance Policy Holders' Council. 2002-2004 - member of the Supervisory Board of the State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Handicapped. Member of the Social Insurance Team of the Trilateral Commission on Socio-Economic Affairs. Represents the Solidarity Trade Union as an expert on the Trilateral Commission's Budget, Wages and Social Benefits Team. Deputy chairman of UNFE Capital Market Society. Member of the Main Board of the Polish Union of Catholic Women.
Since 1996 - founder of the award for the best graduating art work in the Faculty of Painting at Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. Supports numerous community organizations.
In the Third Term Sejm, was deputy chairman of the Social Policy Committee and Special Committee Examining Proposed Social-Insurance Legislation. Was member of the Sejm Constitutional Responsibility Committee.
No political party affiliation.
e-mail: biuro.senat.e.tomaszewska@poczta.neostrada.pl
Parliamentary Club of Law and Justice [about club/circle]
Science and Education Committee [about]
Family and Social Policy Committee - deputy chairman [about]