Zbigniew Marian Szaleniec

Zbigniew Szaleniec

Electoral District No. 31 based in Sosnowiec

Candidate of the Civic Platform Election Committee

Born on 8th December 1954 in Zabrze.

In 1985, graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education at the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice and, in 1997, completed post-graduate studies in administration and management in the Faculty of Law and Administration at Silesian University in Katowice.

1974-1990 - worked in coal mines in Ruda ¦l±ska, Mys³owice, Radzionków and Wojkowice. 1990-2001 - physical education teacher at the general education secondary school in Czelad¼. 1993-2002 - Provincial Methodological Centre adviser to physical education teachers in Bździn District. 2002 - director of the School Complex No. 1 in Czelad¼. For many years, trained soccer teams in Silesia (AKS Chorzów, Ruch Radzionków, Górnik Wojkowice, CKS Czelad¼).

1994-2002 - member of Czelad¼ Town Council (1994-1998 - deputy chairman, 1998-2000 - chairman of Town Development Committee). 2002-2005 - deputy mayor of Czelad¼ responsible for education, sport, culture and social services.

1994-1996 - member of the Labour Union Party.

Member of the Civic Platform political party.

Married, has two children.

Civic Plarform Senators' Club [about club/circle]

Science and Education Committee [about]