Zbigniew Włodzimierz Rau |
Electoral District No. 10 based in Piotrków Trybunalski |
Candidate of the Law and Justice Election Committee |
Born on 3rd February 1955 in Łódź.
In 1977, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at Łódź University.
In 1982, obtained the scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences (from the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the Polish University Abroad in London), in 1996 - the degree of doctor habilitated, and in 2005 - the title of professor.
1981-1995 - lecturer and visiting scholar at British, American and Australian universities.
Since 1995, scholar and teacher at Łódź University. Since 1997, head of the Independent Institute (now Department) of Political and Legal Doctrines at Łódź University Faculty of Law and Administration. Since 1998, represents the rector of Łódź University at its subsidiary in Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Since 2001, dean of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Ethics at Salesian Higher School of Economics and Management in Łódź.
In 2004, was elected deputy chairman of Stowarzyszenie Proekologiczne Grotniki - Jedlicze - Ustronie PINIA, an environmental non-governmental organization.
Member of the Solidarity Trade Union since 1980.
No political party affiliation.
Married, has one child.