Anna Maria Kurska

Anna Maria Kurska

Constituency No. 24 (Gdańsk)

Candidate of the Electoral Committee of the Law and Justice

Senator to the 5th term Senate of the Republic of Poland

Born on 24th August 1929 in Lviv to a landed-gentry family with insurgent traditions.

Graduated from the Warsaw University Law Faculty in 1955. From 1958 to 1960 articled to become a judge and, because she was not a Communist Party member, was relegated to work in local courts in Tczew and Malbork, where for three years she commuted daily from Gdańsk. In August 1980, became a judge in the Provincial Court in Gdańsk. Her involvement with Gdańsk Region Solidarity was the reason for her dismissal from the bench upon the imposition of Martial Law (1981). As a result of political repression, was unable to find work until August 1983. At that time she started work in local administration and agricultural cooperative outlets in the then Gdańsk and Elbląg provinces - several dozen kilometres from her place of residence. The ministerial ban on her working as a lawyer, imposed for political reasons, was lifted in 1988. This made it possible for her to work in a law office in Tczew until she was again able to be a judge. Her licence to work as a judge was returned to her in 1990.

Member of the presidium of Godność ("dignity") Associaton based in Gdańsk. In the Fifth Term Senate, was a member of the Emigration and Poles Abroad Committee and the Legislation and the Rule of Law Committee.

Member of the Law and Justice political party.

Has two sons.

Parliamentary Club of Law and Justice [about club/circle]

Human Rights and the Rule of Law Committee [about]
Emigration Affairs and Contacts with Poles Abroad Committee [about]