Maciej Płażyński |
Constituency No. 24 (Gdańsk) |
Candidate of the Electoral Committee of the Constituents Maciej Płażyński |
Deputy to the 3rd and 4th term Sejm of the Republic of Poland |
Deputy Speaker of the 6th term Senate
Born on 10th February 1958 in Młynary, Warmia-Pomerania Province.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at Gdańsk University in 1991. Participated in Ruch Młodej Polski - an outlawed opposition organization in communist Poland. In 1980 co-founded Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów - the first independent Polish student association. In autumn 1981, directed a sit-in protest at Gdańsk University and became a Solidarity opposition activist.In 1983 co-established Spółdzielnia Pracy Usług Wysokościowych "Gdańsk" - a high-altitude work services company which covertly supported political activities of the underground Solidarity movement in Pomerania and other regions of Poland. Headed the company until 1990.
In 1987 became the chairman of Klub Myśli Politycznej im. Lecha Bądkowskiego - an organization for Conservative and Liberal minded circles based in Gdańsk. In 1989 co-created Kongres Liberałów - a Liberal economic association. In 1990 joined Koalicja Republikańska (Conservative Coalition), which was later transformed into the Conservative Party. In 1996, became the Deputy Chairman of Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność (Solidarity Electoral Action) in Gdańsk Region. In January 2001, jointly with Andrzej Olechowski and Donald Tusk, established Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform) political party and became its leader. Resigned that post and left the party in May 2003.
August 1990 to June 1996 - first non-Communist governor of Gdańsk Province. Founding member of Stowarzyszenie Odbudowy Świętego Wojciecha, an association for rebuilding the Święty Wojciech district of Gdańsk flooded over in 2001, and Stowarzyszenie "Żuławy Gdańskie", an association for the protection of the Żuławy Gdańskie area. Co-founder of Fundacja "Nuta Nadziei", a foundation helping musically talented handicapped children, and Fundacja Pomorska, a foundation helping underprivileged youth in Pomeranian Region). Member of Zrzeszenie Kaszubsko-Pomorskie, an association for the development of the Kaszuby and Pomerania region).
Between 1997 and 2001 - Speaker of the Third Term Sejm. Between 2001 and 2003, in the Fourth Term Sejm, chaired the Civic Platform parliamentary club and was a member of the Constitutional Responsibility Committee.
No political party affiliation.
Married, father of three children.
e-mail: biuro@plazynski.pl