Mariusz Sebastian Witczak

Mariusz Sebastian Witczak

Electoral District No. 35 based in Kalisz

Candidate of the Civic Platform Election Committee

Born on 14th April 1971 in Koźminek (Wielkopolska Province).

In 1997 graduated from the Social Science Faculty of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and, in 1996, completed the Foreign Language Teachers College in Kalisz with a specialization in English. In 2005, obtained a PhD degree in political science.

Associated professionally with the Higher Vocational State School in Kalisz. Between 1999 and 2002, represented the Wielkopolska Province Governor in the School's Convent and, during one term, was member of the School's Senate.

2002-2003 - Deputy Director of the Institute of Self-Government Institution Management. 1999-2005 - member of the board of Fundacja Kaliski Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości (Kalisz Enterprise Incubator Foundation), 2003-2005 - Deputy Chairman of Fundusz Rozwoju i Promocji Województwa Wielkopolskiego SA w Poznaniu (Wielkopolska Province Development and Promotion Fund). Operated a private business for several years. 1998-2002 - member of the Kalisz City Council.

Member of the Civic Platform political party. Served as its Secretary General. Currently, Deputy Chairman of the Civic Platform Wielkopolska Regional Board and member of the Civic Platform National Council.

Married, has two children.

Civic Platform Senators' Club - Deputy Chairman [about club/circle]

Local Government and State Administration Committee - Deputy Chairman [about]