Ryszard Antoni Legutko

Ryszard Legutko

Constituency No. 12 (Kraków)

Candidate of the Electoral Committee of the Law and Justice

Deputy Speaker of the 6th term Senate

Born on 24th December 1949 in Krakow.

Graduated in English philology from the Philology Faculty of Jagiellonian University in 1973 and in philosophy from the Jagiellonian University Faculty of Philosophy and History in 1976.

1991 - Doctor Habilitated (Social Philosophy); 1998 - Professor (Ancient Philosophy and Political Philosophy); 2003 - Full Professor.

Academic lecturer at Jagiellonian University and Tischner European University (since 2003).

Democratic opposition activist. In the 1980s' edited several periodicals including Arka - one of the leading Polish independent press publications. In 1992 co-established and served as the chairman of Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej - an independent non-governmental centre for the study of political systems, international relations and classical political philosophy.

Author of a dozen or so books published in many languages, translator and analyst of Plato's works, current affairs commentator, essay writer. Lectured as a visiting professor at European and American universities.

In 1999 chaired the Nations and History conference attended by prime ministers of Poland and Ukraine, and in 2000 - the Solidarity of Nations conference attended by prime ministers of Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.

No political party affiliation.

Widower, father of two children.

e-mail: legutko@nw.senat.gov.pl

Parliamentary Club of Law and Justice [about club/circle]

Human Rights and the Rule of Law Committee [about]